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Aris Reigns Page 2
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Page 2
The sound of the door scraping on the stones as it opened jolted Sarah into the present and sent an icy shiver of dread through her body. At the sound, DeMarco spun to face the arrival of the beautiful female vampire who was stepping into the room. Sarah gasped as she recognized the same woman who had kidnapped her and slapped her so savagely in the back of the kidnapper’s car.
“Ah, here is my Queen.” The King turned toward Sarah, laughing as he spoke, “Now human, you will deal with Mariska.” The female was long and lean, wearing a tight-fitting black business suit. Her strappy black high heels clicked a staccato on the stone floor as she crossed to stand next to the King. Seeing them side-by-side, even in the midst of her fear, Sarah marveled at the dark beauty of the evil pair. In her mind’s eye, she had pictured the enemies of the Immortals as grotesque, horrendous, repulsive. The subterfuge of their great beauty made them all the more terrifying.
Mariska stepped closer to their captive as she spoke. “You do not remember me from your past, do you human?”
Her mind cloudy with a thousand disjointed thoughts, Sarah couldn’t remember ever seeing the female vampire before the kidnapping. She shook her head ‘no’.
Now it was the Queen who paced in front of her. Sarah found herself mesmerized by her movement, breathing in rhythm with her tapping steps.
“Long ago in the gypsy camp you thought you bested me. You used your long, fair hair and pale skin to steal my betrothed.” Her black eyes burned a hole through Sarah, a sinister laugh curved Mariska’s crimson lips. “Soon I will begin using my dark powers to steal your mortal life. Slowly. Painfully.” Her last words were softly whispered and even more frightening because of it.
Sarah’s head swam as she did her best to recall some memory of the female vampire who was standing before her. Suddenly, she had a flashback to one of the hypnotic dreams she had during the time she was doing regressions in Chicago with her own psychotherapist. In the dream it was the sixteenth century and a maiden named Elizabeth Wyatt was fighting in the dust with a young gypsy woman who she now realized, resembled the Queen greatly. Sarah’s mind began to clear. During her hypnotherapy sessions, she discovered Elizabeth Wyatt had been the name of one of her past life incarnations. Somehow this vampire thought Elizabeth Wyatt had stolen her man in that long-ago lifetime. It was only a moment before Sarah recalled why the two women were fighting and she knew Mariska was right. They were battling in the dirt over the woman’s gypsy lover, over Diego, Diego, who now stood before her as King of the vampires. Her head swam as she realized that she and Mariska and DeMarco had all shared a life together in a long-past time. And in that century long ago Elizabeth won, not only the fight but the man. She remembered the curse the bruised and defeated gypsy spat on her as she crept away from the midnight fire.
And now, here she stood, Mariska, Queen of the Spanish Coven. Sarah feared this was going to be a very long night.
Three darkly handsome manservants entered the chamber carrying two comfortable chairs and a round, carved wooden table. One built a glowing fire while the other two placed the furniture at a comfortable distance from the blaze. They were followed by a lovely young female vampire carrying two jewel-encrusted golden goblets on a matching tray. As she placed them on the table the gems glistened in the firelight.
Turning from Sarah as if they had forgotten she was there, Mariska and DeMarco moved across the room to sit in the chairs. They raised the goblets to toast one another, their eyes locking with an unspoken hunger more sinister than their desire for blood. They drank; neither paused while there was a drop left. Sarah shuddered, thinking what must have been in the goblets and, even more frightening, what might come after their taste of blood.
DeMarco rose and crossed to his Queen. He glanced at Sarah as if in defiance, then bending to Mariska, kissed her deeply, wildly. She buried her hands in his hair as he dragged her to her feet. Pressing her hips into him, she leaned backward, exposing her throat to his bared teeth. Sarah wasn’t sure if it was just the reflection of the dancing firelight, but his canine teeth appeared to grow longer and sharper just before he plunged them into her throat.
Sarah’s heart raced as she turned away, shutting her eyes against their blood union. Still she was unable to block Mariska’s burning cries of anguish and ecstasy echoing throughout the stone room as her mate drew the venom from her veins. Sarah was terrified, yet fought against an uncontrollable desire to turn, to watch the strengthening of their forbidden bond, to watch the vampire bloodletting. Then there was silence.
Slowly Sarah opened her eyes. Her captors had returned to their chairs. They sat quietly for a moment, staring into the fire.
A loud banging on the door brought them quickly to their feet. “Enter,” the King spoke. A slender incredibly muscular man walked into the room, his long black hair caught in a braid that touched his waist. “Ah, Esteban. What news?” The King gestured the newcomer to join he and Mariska as they rose and crossed the room to the window.
Sarah thought she heard whispers of spies and war. Breathing slowly and deeply to calm herself, she listened carefully. She knew she heard mention of the Catacombs, but they spoke so softly she was only able to catch a few words. Knowing any information she could glean would help the Immortals, she leaned forward in her chair as if to adjust her shoe. Their words were more clear, yet still she could only hear scattered phrases. After a hurried exchange, the vampire called Esteban hurried from the room as the King and Queen approached her.
The Queen was the first to speak. “You, human, will die a slow and tortuous death.” The shadows the firelight cast on Mariska made her face appear to be an eyeless skull. When she spoke, the words came from the mouth of a death’s head. “And then the true carnage begins. We march on the Catacombs. We will slaughter their King and Queen. Our army will eliminate every underground citizen.” She spoke as an afterthought. “Ah, yes, and DeMarco and I will personally take care of those who mean the most to you. One by one we will slowly eliminate your loved ones. I want you to ponder that as you wait for your own death. And I assure you, human, we will take the greatest care with your precious love, Aris.” Sarah’s heart raced. She knew she had to escape, to find a way to warn her Immortal friends.
Mariska drew DeMarco to her side. “We will rule in the Catacombs. We will own the Infinity Diaries and know the secret workings of the universe. With the power of the knowledge of life and death in our hands and hate in our non-beating hearts, we will rule the human world and feed on them openly like the sheep they are. We will use the knowledge of the Immortals to find any evil humans who will rally to our cause, who will help us enslave the human race. We will be the most powerful beings on the earth. All will bow down to us. We will begin the next evolution of the human species and we will be its King and Queen.” Mariska stared silently at Sarah for a moment more, then shouted toward the door. “Guard.”
As the soldiers entered the room, DeMarco turned to stare out the window at the star-studded sky. Without looking toward Sarah, he lifted his arm to wave her away, condemning her to her chamber to await her death. She heard the muffled tapping of stilettoes on the stone floor behind her as the soldiers took her into the hallway and closed the door after them.
“Escape. Escape. Escape.” Her mind ran in circles as they marched her through the vast hallway. “But how? How? I only know I’m somewhere in the mountains in Spain. If I can get away, where do I go? I’ve got to get away. How can I get away? And where the hell do I get away to?” Her mind ran like a hamster on a wheel, continuously moving, going in circles and reaching no conclusions. “The bars. I’ve got to get the bars loose. I’ll figure out where to go once I get out of here.” At least she had the beginning of a plan as the door to her prison loomed in front of her. It crashed against the wall as the soldiers slammed it open and shoved her inside. Stumbling and falling, she hit her head on the cold stone floor. She lay unconscious, a trickle of blood pooling beneath her forehead.
The three Immortal comrad
es, Aris, Richard and Gabriela, quickly concealed the car they had rented at the Barcelona airport with loose brush, then raced through the forest effortlessly leaping over huge fallen branches and trees. They were determined to reach Sarah before it was too late. At last they could see the top of the castle tower in the pale light of a crescent moon. Richard touched Aris on the shoulder signaling him to stop. At the same moment a tall dark figure stepped from behind a tree.
“Simon.” Gabriela embraced their comrade, a spy from the Catacombs. It had been years since she last saw him, his most recent life spent in subterfuge in the evil coven. He held her for a brief moment before turning to embrace the males. “Aris. Richard.”
Frantic to secure Sarah’s safety, Aris ignored the niceties of his ally’s greeting. “Is Sarah alright? Where are they keeping her?” It took all of his patience to stand still and wait for a reply. He ached to storm the castle, to free the only woman he had ever loved, but knew rash actions would bring him no victory.
“She is being lodged in the castle keep, the only tall tower left standing.” He pointed toward a stone wall atop the stark rocky crest of the hill separating them from her prison.
Aris made to leave but Richard held him fast. “Wait. We are in need of more information.”
“I am in need of nothing.” He tore out of his friend’s grasp. “I am going to find her.”
“No, Aris.” Simon stepped in front of him. “She’s been taken for an audience with the King and Queen. Wait until she returns to her chambers. The castle is close by, we must take care.”
“Wait? I wait for nothing.” He turned from them, racing in the direction Simon had directed them.
Sarah groaned as she opened her eyes. The huge lump on her forehead was throbbing and she was shaky on her feet as she staggered toward the window. She had no idea how long she had lain on the floor, but the sky was still dark. She still had time before morning. Her hand was shaking as she reached to grasp the windowsill. The wind whistled through the bars and echoed throughout the chamber. Sarah’s imagination played cruel tricks; she swore the wind called her name. Leaning her aching forehead against the cold metal separating her from her freedom, she heard it more clearly.
“Sarah. Sarah.”
Suddenly, long powerful fingers wrapped around the bars and quietly lifted them from their foundation, bending them as if they were made of soft wood. Sarah knew she must be dreaming as Aris leaped through the opening, landing silently before her.
“Aris.” It was a whisper. She reached for him as if she were suddenly unaware of where she was, sleepwalking, wanting only to be in his arms.
“Come. We are in great danger. We must hurry.” Lifting her as if she were weightless, he wrapped her arms and legs around him. “Hold on tight. The only way out is down.” She breathed in his fragrance as he climbed out the window. Leaning her cheek against his powerful shoulder, all of her fears fell away as he made his way, spider-like, down the ancient stones of the tower.
Loud voices and a wolf’s howl halted his progress while they were still hidden in the shadows of the fallen foundation stones. Sarah buried her face in his chest to stifle a gasp as three male vampires crossed the courtyard beneath them. One had a huge black wolf on a leash. The wolf strained at the lead, snarling and howling, struggling to get away. He kept turning his huge head toward the escaping couple clinging to the side of the castle, his snout working as he took in their scent.
“What is wrong with him?” the tallest of the three questioned.
“Nothing, he hasn’t eaten. Maybe he’ll get the remnants of the human when the Queen is finished with her.” The animal’s handler laughed as he finally gained control of the beast and they walked on.
Aris waited in silence, preventing her attempted query with a tender kiss. “Wait,” he whispered so softly she had to strain to hear his words even though his lips touched her ear. She shivered as she felt his warm breath against her skin. “We are still in danger. They are still within ear-shot. When they have gone, we will continue to safety. Once I have you out of harm’s way, I will answer all your questions.”
As soon as the three vampires disappeared from sight into the castle, he resumed their descent. He carried her close to him as he ran through the forest to safety and the waiting circle of her Immortal friends.
Aris’ hands gripped the steering wheel as the car sped toward the distant horizon; the early morning sky glowed with the first rays of the rising sun. Richard spoke quietly into his cell phone so as not to wake Sarah sleeping soundly in the backseat, her blond head resting peacefully against Gabriela’s shoulder.
“What was that about?” Aris kept his voice low.
“Simon. He will meet us in London in a few days. Demitri and Alexi will stay on to keep watch on the coven.” He checked to see if Sarah was still sleeping before he continued. “It seems Queen Mariska went raving mad when she heard of Sarah’s escape. She ordered the male and female who had served Sarah in the castle to be extinguished. Then she single handedly, stone by stone, destroyed the tower, leveling it to rubble. She railed at the King, yet when he remained unruffled, she further demanded he eliminate the guards who had taken Sarah back to her chamber. The King refused. According to Simon, she stormed from the audience chamber, the entire castle ringing with her shouted accusation that DeMarco still loved the human woman.”
Aris glanced in the rear view mirror. He would feel much more at peace when they were all four on an airplane heading to London.
“The amazing thing is,” Richard continued, “the situation has worked to our best advantage.”
“Our advantage? How so?”
“The Queen ignored the King’s command. With the help of one of the King’s most important generals, this new man, Esteban, one by one, they impaled and burned the guards. When the King heard of her actions he became livid at her treason. He commanded her and Esteban to death and they fled into exile before they could be captured. All of this within twenty-four hours of Sarah’s escape.”
“I still do not understand how Mariska and this Esteban’s exile aids our cause? And who is Esteban?”
“Quite simply told, actually. Esteban was the King’s hand-picked general. He is relatively new to their coven. It seems DeMarco changed him for the express purpose of being the commander of his troops. He was a famous bullfighter known for his cruelty in and out of the bullring. DeMarco knows his crude vampires must be taught the finesse of evading an impaler. Apparently, he felt none could be better at finesse than a bullfighter., Even though he joined them only recently, he is a most powerful and charismatic leader and when he left with the Queen, almost half the army rallied to follow. The Spanish coven’s forces are split; civil war begins between them.”
“I see,” Aris spoke, a slow smile of comprehension lighting his eyes. “Their internal conflict will give us more time to train our soldiers, more time to prepare while they do battle with one another.”
”The Queen’s army with Esteban in command retreats from the castle even now as we drive toward Barcelona.”
“Did Simon have any idea what their destination might be?”
“Rumor in the coven is their ultimate objective is London. Now they travel through the Pyrenees Mountains to find a place suitable to train for war. Their way is difficult for in order for such a great number to stay out of the sight of humans they must travel the snow banked gorges of the mountains. Their progress is slow but they continue forward. The Queen is determined to murder Sarah and take over the Catacombs with or without the King beside her. Without him, her hope is Esteban. Her troops are diminished by half and there are factions within factions. They are all ill-trained and undisciplined. Esteban must gain military control of the coven immediately. The exiled vampires must be brought into harmony before they can be taught to fight together against King DeMarco and then a war of extinction against the Immortals. The Spanish royal conflict is our windfall; we have a greater window of time before we mu
st depart London for Spain.”
“Richard, we must keep constant watch over Sarah. She must never be alone. Mariska took her once. She can do it again.”
“Aris, she was taken from the hotel with Gabriela in the next room. Sarah has human needs, how can one of us be constantly in her presence?”
“I will not leave her alone. In London or Chicago or anywhere on this planet. Never again.”
“But you cannot spend every moment with her. You are needed in the Catacombs. Without you, there is no leadership for the army. Without an army our society is doomed. You are the core of whatever becomes of our military. Aris, the Immortals need you if we are to survive.”
They sat quietly listening to the hum of the tires against the paved road. Aris was deep in thought until at last, he broke the silence. “I will speak with the Council. Under the circumstances perhaps they will offer Sarah sanctuary in the Catacombs. I know she will be safe beneath the ground with our people.”
“They will never agree. Never before in all of our history has a human visited the Catacombs and left without being changed into an Immortal.” Richard shook his head. “Aris, they will never agree.”
“Strange times breed strange acts. I will approach Bartholomew. As head of the Council, perhaps he will listen to reason. We shall soon see.”
A freezing wind blew the high drifts of snow in blinding swirls as Esteban drove the coven forward. Even with vampire vision it was a struggle to see more than just a few feet in front of him as Mariska trudged through the blizzard at his side.
“How much farther to the caves?” She could barely see him through the wall of white flakes.
“Not much farther if the trackers are correct.”
“We must settle and feed on the herd of humans we have brought before they all die of exposure. We have already lost several.”